Building Safety Act Registration Service (UK)

catalyst building safety services

The Building Safety Act in the UK requires the registration of high-rise residential buildings that are 18 meters or taller or have more than six stories. The Act applies to new and existing buildings and ensures that buildings are safe for residents.

To register a building under the Act, the accountable person, who is typically the building owner or manager, must provide the following information:

  1. Building details, including the address, height, number of floors, and building use.
  2. Details of the accountable person and their contact information.
  3. Fire safety information includes the fire safety strategy, risk assessment, and evacuation plan.
  4. Structural information, including details of the building’s design, materials used, and any alterations or refurbishments.
  5. Information about any safety and maintenance inspections, testing, and certification carried out on the building.
  6. Details of any remedial or preventative works required to ensure the safety of the building.

The Building Safety Regulator manages the registration process, reviews the information provided and will issue a certificate of registration if the building meets the necessary safety standards. The registration certificate must be displayed in the building, and the accountable person must keep the information up to date and notify the regulator of any changes or incidents that may affect the safety of the building.

Building Safety Act Services

Catalyst offers Building Safety Act Registration Services for accountable persons to ensure their buildings comply with these new regulations. Our team of experts provides support and guidance on the registration process and helps clients meet their obligations under the Act.

Our service includes initial desktop compliance reviews and detailed multi-disciplinary site inspections. Where any issues are identified, Catalyst will engage with suppliers and property managers to create a remediation plan and capture evidence.

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