LEED O&M Assessor

Life Cycle Assessment Consultants ESG

As an accredited LEED O&M (Operations and Maintenance) Assessor, Catalyst helps building owners and managers evaluate the sustainability performance of their existing buildings. Catalyst will identify areas for improvement to achieve a higher LEED rating.

The LEED O&M Assessor service provided by Catalyst involves several stages. The first stage is a preliminary assessment of the building’s sustainability performance against the LEED O&M criteria. This assessment covers a range of areas, including energy efficiency, water consumption, waste management, and indoor environmental quality.

Following the assessment, Catalyst works with the building owner or manager to develop a sustainability action plan that outlines the necessary improvements to achieve a higher LEED rating. This plan includes recommendations for operational and maintenance practices, as well as guidance on the implementation of sustainable technologies and materials.

Catalyst’s LEED O&M Assessor service also includes ongoing monitoring and reporting to track the building’s progress towards achieving its sustainability goals. This monitoring ensures that the building’s sustainability performance is maintained over time, and any necessary adjustments can be made to keep the building moving towards achieving a high LEED rating.

The LEED O&M Assessor service is designed to improve the sustainability performance of existing buildings, reduce operational costs, and increase the building’s marketability. With the support of Catalyst’s accredited LEED O&M Assessors, building owners and managers can achieve a higher LEED rating and demonstrate their commitment to sustainable building practices.

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